


Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z by Barbara T. Doyle and Emily Doyle Iland has been awarded the 2006 Outstanding Literary Work of the Year, Education Division. By the Autism Society of America. Autismo A-Z is the most comprehensive book on autism available anywhere in Spanish. The book is the Spanish language version of Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z and was honored for its unique contribution to the autism community. The award was presented at the Autism Society of America National Conference, July 2006.

Both Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z  and Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z were honored with the Exceptional Parent Magazine Symbol of Excellence in April, 2007.

One Spanish-speaking mother of a boy with autism described the feeling of “double isolation.” she experienced due to the effects of the disability and the language barrier. Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z  removes these barriers and helps readers understand autism and find support. The response of readers to the content and the user-friendly style has been very positive.

ASD from A to Z (Future Horizons, 2004) was written by two sisters, Emily Iland of Santa Clarita, California, the mother of a son with autism, and Barbara T. Doyle of Springfield, Illinois, an educational professional specializing in autism. Essential topics include identifying, understanding and addressing Autism, Asperger Syndrome, and Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Information and strategies are presented to help families, teachers, and other professional staff support individuals with ASD through the lifespan.

With the help of many native speakers, Emily translated ASD from A to Z to help Spanish-speaking families have access to this essential information about autism. The project involved more than 600 hours of work. Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z is one of the only comprehensive books on this topic available anywhere in Spanish.

Both authors are available to present at conferences and seminars, and Ms. Iland presents in English or Spanish.

Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo de la A a la Z
(2005, Emily Iland, Inc.)  $34.95, 502 pages.
Order here  or call 661-297-4205.
ISBN 0-9768222-0-2

Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z
(2004, Future Horizons Publisher) $34.95, 462 pages.
Order here  or call 661-297-4205.
ISBN  1-932565-07-8


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