Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z

We wrote Autism Spectrum Disorder from A to Z together to help families and professionals understand ASD and how it may affect your loved one, student or client. Ten chapters offer practical information and resources to help readers:

  • Understand the features of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)
  • Navigate the process of diagnosis for individuals of any age
  • Explore the impact of ASD within the family, including parents and siblings
  • Identify needs through meaningful assessments (and our unique skills checklists)
  • Learn ways to promote collaboration between parents and professionals
  • Share information about ASD with others, including with the child, teen or adult on the spectrum
  • Discover the science behind autism, including theories about cause(s)


This book, written by two sisters who are professionals in the field of autism, helps professionals and families understand Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD); how ASD affects their loved one, student, or client; and what they can do about it. Each chapter provides information, guidance, and resources on topics including the process of getting a diagnosis; dealing with its impact; understanding and obtaining in-depth, meaningful assessments; obtaining supports and services; developing individualized programs at any age or stage of life; working effectively as teams to assist families; and transitioning from one phase of life to another.

The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition

“I have read many books on Autism; I believe that Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z is a definitive volume that should be the first book recommended to parents, family members, and professionals seeking information.  I always try to take myself back to “before I knew anything” to try to follow the progression of information in books and articles and invariably I am lost by the time I hit chapter 3; not so this time.  The information in Autism Spectrum Disorder, from A to Z and the Spanish version, Los Trastornos del Espectro de Autismo De la A a la Z flows easily and naturally. The authors did a phenomenal job using clearly understandable and non-emotional terms.  I wish this book had been in print when my son was diagnosed so many years ago.”

Ms. Beka Martinez of the Autism Society of Virginia, mother of a son with autism, and leader in the autism community

Autism Spectrum Disorders from A to Z was the perfect book for my Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders class!!  The students loved the easy-to-read text and the interesting personal insights throughout the book. I loved the vast array of information contained in the book. It is an excellent resource for students, families and professionals who need to get a complete survey of this important and fascinating topic. The fact that it is also in Spanish makes valuable information accessible to an even greater audience. Thank you so much for this wonderful resource!

Professor Christina G. Foreman, Ph.D.